Dinosaurs Among Us

The most common "scientific" idea concerning dinosaurs is that they were killed off by a giant meteor (or the results thereof) millions of years ago. Several noted creationists in recent years have advanced another theory concerning dinosaurs....that they are still here!!!

Here's the idea in summary:
Before the flood, man lived hundreds of years longer than he does today (Methuselah...969 years, etc.) We can only assume that animals also lived much longer than they do today.
There is only one form of animal that continues to grow its entire life: reptiles.
Snakes, kimoda dragons, iguanas continue to grow their entire lives. If these animals were to live hundreds of years as man once did, how large would they have been???

Also, serpents apparently had legs before they were cursed by God. Genesis 3: 14, "Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly thou shalt go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life..."

Let's see, a big serpent with legs might look like a......AGHHHHH! Dinosaurs among us!


  1. Watched Kent Hovind or read after Ken Hamm any? Or how about Henry Morris?

  2. I have watched Ken Hovind (that's where I heard the reptile theory) and read Henry Morris years ago.
    I had several lengthy discussions with my science professors at Stephen F. Austin S.U. (geologists, astronomers) concerning creation/evolution. Hearing & talking with atheists for several years only strengthened my faith in God and His wonderful creation.

    Much of science today (evolution example) violates the very tenet of the "scientific method," being observable and testable.

    But somehow you are narrow and intellectually shallow if you acknowledge God and creation.
    People (christians) who have not attended public universities WOULD NOT BELIEVE all of the trash that is taught.
