21 Random Things

I was very much inspired by Jason Hebert's "Random Things" and his request for participation, so here goes....

1.I was named "Adrian" in honor of my Dad's best friend (who was killed in a motorcycle accident just before I was born).

2.My parents never let me have a motorcycle.

3.I am saved (stupid, sinful, greedy, selfish, vain) but saved.

4.My favorite program is "The Andy Griffeth Show" (I have entire dialogue segments memorized).

5.I was an All-State pitcher in high school baseball.

6.Due to a foot accident, I have only nine toes ("Could I get a discount on the pedicure please??")

7.Root Beer has always been my favorite soft drink.

8.I love my wife and kids more than they will ever know.

9.I have kept a reading list of every book I have read since high school.

10.Daily I take an aspirin, fish oil, Vitamin C, Glucosomine, and chromium.

11.The year that I retire from teaching history, I plan to instruct the students that we WON the Battle of The Alamo!

12.I have at least three unfinished novels under my desk at home.

13.I have actually preached a message "This Church Is For The Birds."

14.I always take a glass of water to set by my bed at night.

15.I study the Bible alot, but I don't pray enough.

16.I am truly humbled when I step into the pulpit to preach.

17.Purple is my favorite color.

18.I miss my grandparents.

19.I have future hopes of climbing Pico de Orizaba in Mexico and then Aconcagua in Argentina.

20.I bleed Houston Astro.

21.I love Malachi 3:16,17.

God Bless........

1 comment:

  1. Since I was your inspiration to write this up I feel it necessary to comment first...#11. I woke Cindy up from a dead sleep with my laughter.
