Summer Climbs

As the weather improves, I can't help but plan for summer. As a teacher, I have a little extra time in the summer. As a preacher, I already have VBS, church camp, and several revivals on schedule. That leaves me with a week here or there to plan a mountain climb.

This summer, I'd love to climb :
Wheeler Peak (highest point in New Mexico, 13,161 ft and
then travel north to Blanca Peak (4th highest peak in Colorado, 14,345 ft,)

Wheeler Peak is near Taos and would be a one day slog, but the summit views look great in pictures. Blanca Peak would be more challenging due to altitude and it being a 16 mile round trip (requiring two tent nights).

Michael "I'd rather sun in the Phillipines" Reese just can't seem to make it this time. Friends from two summers ago probably won't be able to take off work. My wife told me I can't take any of my children anymore because of their previous bouts with altitude sickness and one almost doing a "Peter Pan" off a shelf path in Colorado.

So now I look for another partner in crime. There are several young guys at Ora MBC who say they "might want to try it." Or, perhaps there is some ABA preacher out there who wants to take off, do something different, and get high (legally)!

If interested, let me know something.

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