Street Preaching

I have heard that "street preaching" used to be fairly common. I have read and heard of some of our ABA brethren that have passed on who used to preach in public occassionally (street corners, courthouse lawns, city parks, etc.).

I once heard a guy preaching in front of the Alamo. He was "in your face, hell fire brimstone" and seemed to be scaring everyone. I heard a guy preaching on 6th Street one night in Austin (yes, I admit I was walking down 6th street....similar to Bourbon Street for you Cajuns) and he was doing a great job....the simple gospel, Jesus is the only way,etc. and at least 30 to 40 people were listening to him.

What about it? Is there a need for it today? Or do most people see the street preacher as a "kook?"


  1. One-on-one evangelism is "preaching". Doing it out would be in the street. Therefore, we need more street preaching.

  2. I've heard the guy in front of the Alamo -- or at least some guy. I think most people do see street preachers as a "kooks", whether they are or not. I think some of them probably are kooks. But we shouldn't reject it just for that reason. There is always a need for preaching, and if on the street that is good too. It seems there are biblical examples of such preaching

    I read up on this some while I was at Nacogdoches, but never got around to doing it. I couldn't get people to listen to me in the building, much less on the street. But then again maybe I was doing it backwards.

  3. Agreed...any of us who are confident in one-on-one evangelism should do it more in public.... even if it's sharing tracts.

    I've read that some guys who preach in public always bring 5 or more people with them to listen. Reason being, people are hesitant to go up and be the only one listening, but they might listen for a few minutes if other people are there. Makes sense, I guess.

    For fear of being seen as a "kook," I guess that's why preachers always go to another town to street preach!

  4. There is a place and time for everything. In my opinion, relationship evangelism is the BEST way to...not the ONLY way of course.

    When the Lord opens the door to preach we should take it. Preaching on the street is not something I would do, unless of course God layed it upon my heart to do so. I think if the Lord said to us, in our hearts, you need to go to the mall for example, it would be for a specific individual. There you would somebody there that you would be able to witness to one on one or come into contact or have a need that you could meet.

    Street preaching would work, for example, in the starting of a new work. If you announced in the comunity that there would be an "evangelistic" meeting in the community and met somewhere to preach with the express purpose of seeing the interest and starting a new Church I think street preaching would serve a purpose.

    What would be the best way to announce an "evangelistic" meeting...or wht would be the best attention getter to get people to show up?

  5. Old Testament street preachers : Enoch, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, Jonah and many more.

    New Testament street preachers : John The Baptist, Jesus, Paul, and many more.

    Scriptures to think about:

    Amos 5:10, "They hate him that rebuketh in the gate, and they abhor him that speaketh uprightly."

    Mark 16:15 "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel TO EVERY CREATURE."

    Luke 14:23 "Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled."

    Matthew 10:27 "What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light, and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops."

    Colossians 1:28 "Whom we preach, WARNING EVERY MAN and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in CHRIST JESUS."

    Acts 17:17 "There disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews, and with devout persons, AND IN THE MARKET daily with them that met him."

    So should we modern preachers ignore all of this??

  6. Also, read this quote. What do you think about it?

    What then is PREACHING? According to Noah Webster, "Preach" come from a Latin word meaning to "proclaim publicly… a sermon urging acceptance or abandonment of an idea or course of action , specifically in an earnestly tiresome and officious manner." "Officious" it seems is the key word in much of what is BIBLICAL preaching. The Prophets through Christ and the New Testament church told it like it was and paid the price for their boldness and "officious" manner; as it is defined: "volunteering one’s services where they are not asked for or wanted; meddlesome" and "high-handed." We possess the truth and as such it requires such an approach.

    As we have outlined, PREACHING today is narrowly defined and misunderstood to the exclusion of the above definition, and typically refers to invited people, invited speakers, and scheduled services. BIBLICAL PREACHING, however, conforms to the above definition, and is often to hostile crowds outside "religious" services, to those who would seek to even kill the messenger.

  7. Amen!! I think many times we limit ourselves to the "What makes us feel Good" syndrome and have gotten away from some biblical methods found in the bible. No I'm not talking about doctrine, but things like the "Street Preaching". It worked though out the bible error and will work today. No people will not pour down the streets to the invisible alter. We might would never see a physical response, but do not tell me that God would not use it. The Power would still be in the Word of God.

    Maybe we would not do it because of the voice of the crowd yelling "Weirdo" or the smirks and laughter of the scoffers. Lets face it maybe sometimes we are just outright scared and embarrassed to stand up for Jesus the way the apostles, the prophets and other witnesses of his did during the times of His life on earth.

  8. I suppose some fears would be as follows:

    1.being seen as a kook
    2.being interrupted
    3.or worse, being challenged or heckled
    4.being ignored
    5.feeling inadequate w/o a pulpit or notes

    As far as preaching outside of church, I have preached in public in Israel (Mount of Beatitudes & Garden of Gethsemane...mostly to our tour group but with a few others listening), in nursing homes, at the prison in Huntsville, at a Huntsville Truck
    Stop a few times & perhaps a few other places...but I have never went out and street preached as we are discussing.

    If I ever feel led to, I pray God helps me to do it simply and without offense to others.
