The Last Pope??????

I have hesitated to post this topic for fear that some may think I'm looney. But since most of you now know that I'm looney, I'll go ahead and post it.

I have never given much credence to Nostradamus-like prophecies. We know that Biblically, the test of a true prophet is 100% accuracy due to inspiration by God. Man, however, can predict many things and history has shown that either by accident, good guessing, or possibly by demonic powers, some of those "forecasts" have come true. (please don't throw your rocks yet)

St. Malachy was born in 1094 and was Catholic. According to the story, he went to Rome in 1139 and there he received a strange vision. (You are gripping the rock tighter, but hold it!)
St. Malachy's vision was a succession of 112 popes with their names or characteristics. He wrote these down and this document was stored away and not discovered again in the Roman Archives until 1590. Once discovered, it became common knowledge in Catholic leadership and may have even influenced some conclaves who were deciding on the next pope.

Here's the deal. Pope Benedict (the current pope) is Pope #111. St. Malachy's description of Pope #112 (the last) is as follows: "In extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Petras Romanus (Peter The Roman), who will feed the sheep through many tribulations, at the term of which the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge his people. The End."

If you want to see the actual list of prophesied popes, you can go to Wikipedia and type in "Prophecy of The Popes."

Now, since the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 I guess we can conclude that......

(Just throw comments please, not stones! :)


  1. Brother Coburn at LMBIS noticed the Mayan Calender 2012 thing. We joked about it quite often. Then, one day when he was in the hospital with his wife, he heard on the intercom just as he was leaving the hospital "Coburn, Room 2012." I have no point here, just wanted to share the coincidence.

    Your post does give reason to theologically debate "Can Satan or demons see into the future?"

  2. Then if you believe that, the rapture could be before 2012?

  3. I think the Mayans (carving the calendar on a circular stone), just ran out of stone!

  4. Well, how about this. The Mayan so called "prophecy" was not done by their religious group. It was done by their scientists and mathematicians. Also, the supposed "prophecy" was simply stating there would be a transition from one age or era into another. If someone believed the Mayan calender (which I don't), they could just as easily equate 2012 with the beginning of the tribulation, the middle of the tribulation, the end of the tribulation, Christ's return, the destruction of the world and entering into the heaven ages, or anything else.

    Seems I remember something in the history of the Mayans... or was it Aztecs... anyway, about their god who came and taught them their sciences of medicines and agriculture. Seems like it was by a god named Kukulcan or something like that. If I remember correctly, he appeared in two forms. First, in the form of a serpent (with wings, much like we picture a dragon) and the serpent then transformed himself into a white male about 6 feet tall. He came up from the sea, and then after teaching them, he went back down into the sea telling them only that he would return one day. I don't know if they equated this beast/god's return with 2012 or not. Perhaps something interesting enough to study if you like history.

    I also wonder about the Aztecs god, Quezacoatal (or something like that.) He was a similar "god" who had appeared to them also.

  5. The Mayans had their highest stage of development between 250 and 900 A.D. Their art, science, math, astronomy, etc., was leap years beyond other groups in the Americas at that time. Some say they disappeared, but many believe they simply merged with other civilizations.

    Question: The Mayan child is raised never hearing about the one true God and Jesus Christ. Is he accountable to God? Will he go to hell?

    BTW, another grave danger to the A.B.A....
    (and I'm not trying to be mean)
    Adult Sunday School classes where the teacher reads the quarterly word for word and allows for no discussion. This is killing Sunday Schools in many places.

  6. Attention Pastors. Our teachers need to be taught. Often we need a teacher. We find one that is spiritually qualified, majority no teaching expierence and we say here you go teach. What do we expect. Our teachers need to be taught how to teach.
