
There is something that I like about Chick-Fil-A. It's not just that they cook up the gospel bird (which all preachers that I know like except for one). It's not just that they always are kind and respectful in serving you. And it's not just that they work you through the drive thru really quickly.

It's this. In a day when all other businesses operate as normal on Sunday, there is one business that is closed on the Lord's day. With all other eateries open and doing great business, there is one whose doors will not open on Sunday due to its founder's convictions. That business is Chick-Fil-A. It's profits do not suffer at all and their employess always know that they have the day off. There could be other Chick-Fil-A's open, but the Lufkin branch is always closed on Sundays.

I'm not a Chick-Fil-A spokesman nor do I own any stock in the company. It's just refreshing to see a business stand out and not travel with the herd with regards to Sundays. Maybe if we Christians wouldn't eat out so much on Sundays, then others wouldn't have to work so much. But that's another subject entirely.

Olay for Chick-Fil-A!


  1. I made that a personal conviction of mine last year, to not eat out on Sundays. Some days I break this conviction, but I learned something. This isn't something that can be forced. It is something a man absolutely must come to on his own, much like other convictions. I definitely do not look down upon people who do eat out on Sundays, or who miss church once a month, or who lack some other conviction that isn't spelled out clearly in the Scripture. I just hope and pray they (and I also) will progress in their walk towards God and thereby godliness.

  2. I love that you posted on this subject. I am in retail and our busiest day is Sunday. I don't understand how God's people can't make the effort to buy what they need the other six days of the week. This would make a huge impact on the retail industry because I know. God's people, of all people, should try to make a difference so that this day remains holy and not just another day of the week!
