
Are any of you seeing many people saved?

I realize that lost people simply don't "come to church" as they perhaps once did, either out of curiosity, church as a community event, or whatever other reason they might attend.

I'm not seeing nor am I hearing of that many professions of faith lately.

To be honest, it's discouraging.


  1. In Brownwood, we saw 4 saved this past month... but those are the first ones we have seen in almost a year. It's really discouraging, even in door-to-door evangelism... when you see that person under conviction, ready to repent and believe in Christ, then you can almost see the moment in their eyes when the fowl of the air snatch away the seed and they suddenly turn away and decline to accept Jesus as their savior.

  2. I see more saved in youth ministry and church camp than anywhere else. I'm not saying I have a full and complete view, but this is where I see more saved than anything else.

    I, however, do not see many of those saved children becoming strong, mature Christians... or even staying in Baptist churches. Even those who remain in an MBC until college move off. When they finally decide to seek a church, they find one that is "fun" like their youth group was instead of one that teaches truth like their youth group did.

    This, too, is discouraging.

  3. One professed Christ at Revival...I pray for more....

  4. We had one come forward for salvation at our revival, with more at the altar. Yes, moves seem to be getting more rare. But, I hope the rest of our Church family is as fired up as I am. The messages were great this past week!
