The Temple Rebuilt?????

Our ABA Sunday School literature states that the Anti-Christ will set himself up in the rebuilt Temple (II Thess. 2:4). Reading a blog by Bro. Tom McElmurry, however, has led me to believe that this will not happen.

II Thess. 2:4 "...he as God sitteth in the Temple (naos) of God, shewing himself that he is God."

Temple (naos) is not a literal temple but the same "temple" that is used in the verse "Know ye not that your body is the temple (naos) of the Holy Ghost?"

If II Thess. 2:4 was speaking of a literal temple, Bro. McElmurry states that the Greek word (hieron) would have been used for a literal temple. Therefore, the argument can be made that the Anti-Christ sets himself up in people's hearts, not in a literal temple. Make sense?? If Bro. McElmurry is correct, then our literature, as well as some commentaries, miss the mark on this one.

P.S. Not posting this to open a door for slamming our writers. But what is your opinion of the prophecy lessons this quarter???

Annointing With Oil

I preached a revival several years ago at an "independent" Baptist church in Nacogdoches, Tx. Several bottles of oil sat around the flat part of the pulpit. I asked about it & the pastor said that they occassionally used it on someone who really needed prayer.

I have never felt led to do that nor is it practiced in any other churches that I know of. However, based on James 5:14,15, what argument could you make against it except something like, "That's weird!"

Crazy Things

1.Looking up the elevator shaft to see if it's coming down (that's crazy)
2.Someone saying "I'm going to kill you dead." (that's else can you kill someone)
3.Mountain climbers cutting their toothbrush in half to save on weight (that's crazy)
4.Saying "plastic silverware" (that's crazy)
5.Calling what doctors do "practice" (that's crazy)
6.Danny Bowman (that's you brother)
7.Only singing three verses of Amazing Grace (that's crazy)
8.Student telling me that his dog pooped on his homework and he had to throw it away (that's crazy...and this week's latest excuse)
9.Student telling me that he cannot do his "Living Biography" assignment on a family member because his entire family is in hiding (that's crazy...and a recent excuse).
10.Sitting during the song "Stand Up For Jesus" (that's crazy)
11.Thinking the economy is as bad as it was in the Great Depression, when Starbucks is still in business (that's crazy)
12.Stealing tires from a tire dealership and rolling them in the snow to your college dorm room (that's crazy...happened at Angelina Jr. College years ago)
13.Rejecting Jesus (that's crazy)

You are welcome to comment or add your "crazy things." God bless.