Double Standard To Israel

Several months ago, Prime Minister Netanyahu came to the United States. Our President & his administration didn't agree with Israel building an apartment complex ON THEIR LAND. The Israeli P.M. and his staff were not even offered so much as a PB&J sandwich, were told to go back to the table & discuss issues. The P.M. promptly left. Not long after, the President of Mexico comes and rants against Arizona and its immigration law. Congress claps and the Mexican President is given a state dinner.

Fast forward...Israeli soldiers board "aid ships" which have been attempting to smuggle in rockets which are fired at Israel's citizens. The soldiers are attacked and take action. Europe condemns Israel for trying to protect itself and there are protests around the world against Israel. Israel, it seems, is held to a double standard.

It is easy to see how that one day that countries will unite against Israel. I know that everything that the Israeli government does is open to scrutiny, but is the Biblical principle still in place which says: "I will bless those that bless thee, and curse those that curse thee." ???


  1. I believe that our stand with Israel over the years is maybe the one thing that has held the judgment of God off our nation. God help this administration!

  2. God does not change and his Word says we are to pray for peace in Jerusalem. As a nation, we cannot do that and condemn them at the same time. I agree, God help this administration. This is the first time, I think, that the US has ever even come close to condemning Israel.

  3. You can't believe everything you hear or read, but...

    I recently read that Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Gheit said that President Obama told him that he (Obama) was a Muslim. Read HERE. May or may not be true, but Obama and his administration has definitely moved in a different direction from Israel than former administrations.
